10 April, 2007

Don't Believe The BNP's Lies

I received a leaflet through my door Sunday morning from Martin Wingfield the candidate for the BNP in Ellenborough/Netherton ward and was offended to see him accuse Maryport Against Racism as a front for the Labour party. Maryport Against Racism was formed after it was decided a group was needed in order to combat racism and racist groups in Maryport during our public meeting informing people of the lies and deception the BNP use. Many members of the group are not members of political parties and those of which are, are not all members of the same party. Our clerk is actually standing as a Green Party candidate in the upcoming local elections. Whatever the BNP accuse Maryport Against Racism of, they cannot deny the message that we deliver, as everything we say about them can be backed up and is the truth. Don’t believe the BNP’s lies.


Anonymous said...

If you're not a front for Labour, why ask the local Labour MP to your inaugural meeting?

Middle-class twats.

Jonathan Wood said...

Thank you for those few kind words. We invited the local MP for the very reason that he is the MP, not because of his policies or political persuasion. Sadly, the majority of the people who support our campaign are also Labour supporters, as far as I know we don't have any Conservatives in the group although there is definately no rule against them joining. Anyone who finds racism repulsive is more than welcome to join. As I pointed out though, Maryport Against Racism is not composed entirely of Labour supporters.
I am pleased to see that your read our blog so religously. I realised that you commented less than a minute after I published the post.
I look forward to further debates on here although I would appreciate it if you refrained from using such juvenile comments.

Anonymous said...

Are you against all forms of racism, or just the traditional baddy white males? Do you accept that there is such a thing as anti white racism in the form of "positive action". Try living in an overcrowded council flat with two kids, while all empty houses go straight to the "enriched". Thats not my opinion thats a fact. No one can blame immigrants for wanting a better life but no one can blame white people for wanting a share of this equality either.

Jonathan Wood said...

Maryport Against Racism are exactly what we say we arem an anti racist group. We abore racism in all forms although in Maryport, the main form of racism tends to be racism directed towards Eastern European workers from groups such as the BNP. I assume you mean affirmative action? Affirmative action can be contraversial although it is greatly over exaggerated by the right wing media and groups such as the BNP. Affirmative action has been extremely successfull e.g. in the NHS where female nurses managed to get the compensation for the years they were paid unproportionatly to men. It has also worked very well in northern Ireland with the police force which allowed stormont to reunite.

Anonymous said...

If you are against racism would you like to comment on wether you feel 'positive discrimination ' is racist or does infact promote racism?
Also I would just like to point out that I will not be voting BNP in the next local elections but find it a disgusting betrayal of democracy that organisations like yourselves, various trade unions and the UAF find it necessary to do the big three parties dirty work by continually knocking just the BNP.
Why doesn't your organisation put up candidates for election to get the public's opinion on your views?

Anonymous said...

"It has also worked very well in northern Ireland with the police force which allowed stormont to reunite."

Errm, no it hasn't. The PSNI is still only 21% Catholic (although that's probably 21% too much for you because, as you admit, you come from a Protestant, anti-Catholic family).

This figure has also only been reached due to the waves of Polish immigrants in to the 6 counties.

Also, you compare NI (population: 53% Prod, 43% RC) with the rest of the UK, in which, ethnic vermin make up less than 10% of the population. How much of a moron are you?

Jonathan Wood said...

Anonymous, That's what democracy is all about, freedom to oppose groups such as the BNP if we so wish. As I have pointed out, we are a none party political pressure group, not a political party.

Second anonymous,

This is still a vast improvement from the RUC but you realy think that if it wasn't then Sinn Fein and the Unionists would have agreed to power sharing? I pointed out on my own blog that my grandad, in protest to local Catholic control of industry joined the orange lodge but I'm not at all anti-catholic. I'm none religous and none-secterian.

Anonymous said...

Its became clear to me over the last few weeks why you are so much against the BNP. Your parents are both taking £29,000.00 per annum off the local council tax payers. Its obviously a family affair.
Are you worried your parents dont get their seats again in the up and coming council elections?
whilst on, do you approve of tony blairs war over in iraq? Two weeeks ago a local soldier Danny Wilson was killed over there. Do you approve of so called british muslims travelling out to iraq to kill their so called fellow british citizens.
Why are you so apposed to the BNP? Why dont you use some of your time and effort to try and organise some sort of demonstration against the war in iraq? Eighty years ago people like you would have been shot for treason in this country.

Jonathan Wood said...

'Your parents are both taking £29,000.00 per annum off the local council tax payers'

I think you are very badly mistaken here. Our annual household income adds up to less than £29,000. I don't know where you got this figure from.

'Are you worried your parents dont get their seats again in the up and coming council elections?'

No, I am not worried that one of their parents won't loose their seat because I know that the majority of people in Maryport will see through the BNP's lies.

'Why are you so apposed to the BNP? Why dont you use some of your time and effort to try and organise some sort of demonstration against the war in iraq?'

Speaking of Muslim extremists. Nick Griffin the current leader of the BNP whilst a member of the National Front went to Libya to meet Gaddafi in order to donate money to Hezbollah (a large Muslim extremist organisation who carry our suicide bombings).

'Eighty years ago people like you would have been shot for treason in this country.'

You have got your sides mixed up here. Sixty two years ago we were still fighting fascists in Germany. Seventy one years ago Oswald Mosleys League of Fascists (the BNP's predocessor) was stopped from marching. The BNP have never been the party for Britain.

Anonymous said...

Ask Martin Wingfield perhaps, whatever 'happened' to Tina's husband.

Duncan said...

Anymore hints Mr Fister? What 'happened' to Tina's husband?

Anonymous said...

It sickens me that people thing to fight the BNP is some sort of self indulgent, middle class persuit.

My family live on a housing estate in Wigton and while I did attend university I still see myself as working class. To say that 'woody is thick and middle class' is to prove that opinions and comments such as this have roots in ignorance. Racism within the BNP is due to an inherent disregard of anything different in terms or culture and belief.

I support understanding not ignorance. Personal comments should be left at the door as they breed negativity.